I am
afraid of light.
I live in shadows
of dull, dark despair
I hide in a black rose.
I am
afraid of warmth.
I’m a cold, heartless crow
Merciless and feared,
Grief is what I bestow.
I am
afraid of a delicate child.
naive, and pure
a young child.
so alive of allure.
I am
afraid of life.
Her, a bane to my soul
She is whom I have chosen
To take to my dark meadow.
I am
What you are afraid of
A phantom of health.
I am
the cruelty of the world.
I am


Above is an Ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art.

Painting: Mystery and Melancholy of a Street – Giorgio De Chirico